If we talk about one of the most delicious and healthful soups, we cannot deny that the Creamy Asparagus Soup is among them. Of course, different types of Asparagus products are not available on the market, so it is best to buy fresh ones to complete this delicious creamy veggie soup.

Our family will definitely love to eat this kind of soup with our other favorite dishes too.

Here is the procedure for Creamy and Tasty Asparagus Soup


  • 10 pieces of fresh Asparagus (cut into pieces about an inch)
  • 2 cups of water
  • 3 pieces of fresh Thyme (chopped finely)
  • 2 stems of fresh Parsley (chopped finely)
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 ½ tablespoons of butter
  • 1 cup fresh milk
  • ½ cup of dissolved flour in water
  • 3 tablespoon lemon extract
  • Salt and ground pepper to taste


In a medium casserole, combine the broth soup, Asparagus, and onion, then boil for about 15 minutes or until the asparagus are tender in medium heat. When tender, use a blender to process the mixture until becomes a smoothie.

Using the same casserole in medium heat, put the butter and stir until it melts, Add the dissolved flour, chopped thymes, chopped parsley, water, fresh milk, and lemon extract, then let boil for about 10 minutes. When boiling, put the right amount of salt and pepper then stir gently.

Finally, include the blended mixture and let simmer for 10 minutes on medium heat until the soup becomes creamy. An important reminder, continue stirring the soup until ready for serving.

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